Photo Alphabet
A long, long time ago in a land far, far away, i watched a television show and saw how someone used her photo hobby to create letter...
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream
One of the simplest pleasures in life is a scoop of ice cream. As a child i was always amazed that my father could practically gulp down...
B Is For "Bellissima"
Open the Google Translate Page, choose to translate from Italian to English, and type the word “Bellissima” in Italian. It returns the...
Weird & Wonderful Switzerland - PART II
USING THE SWISSPASS TO TRAVEL TO FRANCE AND ITALY As soon as you start searching your travel options in Switzerland, the Swisspass pops...
Our 3 Favourite Ice Creams
When we met, That-man was the ice cream aficionado and i was the chocoholic, but as with most couples, likes and dislikes are eventually...